Auditions Announcement
The Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra will be holding pre-recorded video auditions for the following vacancies:
Principal Flute
English | Francais | Audition Repertoire
Section Violin (2 positions)
English | Francais | Audition Repertoire
Section Cello (2 positions)
English | Francais | Audition Repertoire
Principal Viola
English | Francais | Audition Repertoire
The procedure for pre-recorded video auditions is:
1. A qualified candidate may apply to audition, as per the advertisement.
2. Specific instructions regarding which excerpts from the list to record, and in what order, will be sent out to the candidate.
3. Once recorded, the candidate will submit the files (or links) for each of their rounds.
4. Since the audition is screened, the audition committee will only listen to the videos. The proctor will watch the video for authenticity, and to ensure that recording guidelines have been followed.
5. There will be a total of three rounds to record and submit.
Health & Safety note: Anyone involved with the TBSO must provide proof of full Covid vaccination, including the booster.