Journeying from the sorrowful to the jubilant, we begin the concert with two French greats, Maurice Ravel and Lili Boulanger, who together unfurl a snapshot of the rich flowing harmonies of the Paris tradition. The TBSO’s intrepid Principal Clarinetist Peter Shackleton is featured in Canadian Composer Randolph Peters’ “Luminous” for solo clarinet and strings which received its world premiere less than a year ago. The concert is topped off with Schubert’s exuberant 5th Symphony, completing our journey with an explosion of joy.
Maurice Ravel: Pavane pour une infante défunte
Lili Boulanger: D’un soir triste
Lili Boulanger: D’un matin de printemps
Randolph Peters: Luminous
Franz Schubert: Symphony No.5 B flat major, D. 485
Paul Haas, TBSO Music Director
Pater Shackleton, clarinet